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The Maladjusted Individual

The Maladjusted Person

They can be interchangeably used to describe what we call maladjustment. They denote states of tension and nervousness and the characteristic features of maladjustment and deviations in feelings, believing and behaving. The more serious the ailment, the more radical are the mental disorders until a point is reached when the individual becomes almost incapable of adjusting to life.

The Adjusted Individual:

Most individuals must face such situations and frustrations conflicts as may cause nervousness, worry and worry sometimes. They may be capable to overcome their problems and adjust themselves to such scenarios. But there are folks who cannot overcome their troubles and cannot compromise with them.

They develop conduct disorders in the kind of exaggerated, persistent responses which tend to incapacitate them and distort their feelings and behaviour. They're maladjusted persons. They create another world in which they are able to live more comfortably and with real-life situations they're in gross disharmony.

Two distinct kinds of individuals have been described above- the maladjusted and the ordinary. But it must be remembered the distinction between the maladjusted and the adjusted is quite subtle. The line between the two is quite thin, for no man is entirely fixed. He's adjusted to a degree. A normal man may be emotionally hyperactive at times and he may be so depressed that he can barely live with himself.

He may sometimes regress to childish behavior and still be a standard man. A well-adjusted person keeps a favourable inclination towards reality. "His life is like a boat riding the waves.

This even keel is his essential equilibrium in life that enables him to withstand the thousands of affecting stimuli which assail him and still keep his bearings and continue to go towards the goals he's set for himself."

The maladjusted kid may either reveal nervousness or may display mental overreactions and deviations or may be immature. His conduct may be exhibitionistic or anti-social. He may be suffering from psychosomatic disturbances.

Many may appear in ordinary kids but we should suppose maladjustment a combination of these symptoms appears frequently and consistently.

(1) Nervousness in the child is displayed by habitual biting and wetting of lips, nail, biting, stammering, blushing, turning soft, endless restlessness, body rocking, nervous finger movements, frequent urination.

(2) The maladjusted child shows undue stress over errors, marked distress over failures, absent mindedness, day dreaming; he will not accept any recognition or benefit, evades responsibility, withdraws from whatever seems new or difficult: he's lack of focus, is very sensitive to all hassles is acceptable to work when deflected and has emotional tone in argument and feel hurt when others differ; he makes regular efforts to get attention of the teacher. Such are the psychological overreactions and deviations.

(3) The kid, having emotional disorders, is incapable to work alone, and rely on his own judgment; he is suffering from complexes; he is extraordinarily self- aware or over-critical of others, either overly docile or overly indicative; such are his characteristic characteristics displaying his mental in stability.

(4) The child who cannot adapt himself in the school surroundings shows exhibitionistic behavior.

(5) The maladjusted kid has behavior disorders which are typically seen in his anti-social behavior. He's cruel to others, strong-arm them, uses obscene language, shows undue interest in sex, tells offensive stories, dislikes school work, resents power, reacts badly to discipline, runs away from the class, and shows complete lack of interest in school work abruptly. He has psychosomatic disturbances additionally. When he is distressed, he tends to overeat and reveals other feeling disturbances or grows or begins to vomit diarrhea and constipation.


Frequent incidence of a great number these symptoms suggests the kid is maladjusted or ill although many of these symptoms may be found in normal children.

Traits that mark the maladjusted kid are: Carelessness, Cheating, Cruelty, Destroying stuff, Disobedience, Domineering, Dreams, Enuresis, Fearfulness, Heterosexuality, Creative lying, Impertinence, Inquisitiveness, Interrupting, Masturbation, Profanity,

Obscene notes, Restlessness, Shyness, Silliness, Smoking, Stealing, Stubbornness, Suggestible sullenness, Suspiciousness, Tardiness, Taunting, Temper Tantrums, Thoughtlessness, Truancy, Unhappiness, Unreliability, Unsocial withdrawing, Untruthfulness.

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